Thursday, November 17, 2011

Skinny Fiber tablets a natural way to lose weight during Winter

For many Winter is on it's way and Summer didn't quite work out diet wise. Now is the time for us to show you a natural way to lose weight, before you get caught up in Winter and comfort eating during cold nights!

Walking to work if possible in the depths of Winter helps burn calories as one trudges through the snow or sleet. It is all important to maintain a good workout routine especially in Autumn/Winter when it is all too easy to fall into a sedentary routine. Sitting on the couch once home at the end of the day and not moving will have health repercussions eventually. I speak from experience.

Eat healthy during Winter too. I began taking Skinny Fiber tablets a few months ago and have not looked back. The health benefits are exceptional and not only have they stabilized my metabolism, they have also given me added energy. They provide Antioxidant Support and aid digestion.

I was recommended them by a friend who sang the praised of 'Skinny Fiber tablets'. Having looked into the product and the fact that they contain the well known Brazilian Chá de Bugre which is a natural appetite suppressant, I gave it a try.

I take two tablets half an hour before my meals twice a day and swallow them down with two pints of water. Drinking water at the beginning of the day too is a great way to get going for the rest of it. You will feel more hydrated, even in Winter. Your body is made of of mainly water and if your intake is too low, your metabolism will slow down too.

Begin your new exercise and eating routine by walking at least for 30 minutes a day if you have been leading a life minus exercise. I worked up from this to walking an hour a day, sometimes more depending on time allowing. A great idea if you live in a city, is to explore a part of it which holds aesthetic appeal and walk for at least two hours. You will soon see and feel the difference.

Physical activity is paramount when trying to lose weight and it should be combined with a healthy diet as this is a natural way to lose weight. Always carry a small bottle of water with you, preferably half a litre. Hydration is fundamental at all times and it also helps to keep your bowels healthy.

If you have a basket ball court near you, that's a great way to exercise in Winter too as you will be able to shoot hoops and run around until it gets too cold and it ices over.

If you prefer to exercise indoors and at home, use an exercise bike when watching television instead of plopping down on the couch. You will be surprised by how quickly time passes cycling on it when watching a favourite movie or series!

Between cutting down your calorie intake with food, exercising and using Skinny Fiber tablets, you now have a natural way to lose weight and feel good in no time at all!

P.S: if you want to have a look at the product i am talking about just click this: Skinny Fiber tablets

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How To Lose Weight? The Healthy Way

Make water your drink of choice. You should have at least eight glasses of water in one day. Water helps reduce weight and gives you energy too. When you are hydrated you feel healthier.

Don't overeat in one meal and eat so much that you feel uncomfortable. If you cannot use your willpower to eat three smaller meals a day, try three small meals and two healthy snacks. Always keep sticks of celery, carrots and cucumber at hand in the fridge. Snacking without calories is not only filling, it makes you feel good as you know you are not breaking your diet.

Do not deprive yourself of food to try and get thin overnight. The weight will just pile on again once you stop and your blood sugar levels will be up and down which will make you feel lethargic and shaky.

Walk as much as you can, so much better than climbing into your car. Go for a walk at lunchtime if time allows. Take your lunch with you and sit outside on days when it is not too chilly. Exercise midday fuels the brain too and gets your heart pumping. Walking is a great form of exercise, especially when you are overweight as it does not put too much strain on your body. Slowly but surely you will find yourself in a routine, one which will burn off calories and having you looking good.

Vegetables are a great addition to meals. For example, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots and cucumber and great favourites and filling too. If you are more biased towards salads, you can always include fresh basil leaves to add to the taste of a standard lettuce. Mixed herbs also add a little taste and low fat mozzarella, goes down so well with tomatoes too. Leave the salad dressings in the supermarket and instead go for a good quality vinaigrette. This not only tastes good, it is low in calories and looks good on your salad!

In Winter think about making soup, especially for dinner as they are warming, filling and very low in calories. Go to your local market and buy vegetables which look good and are diverse. Mix them into soup recipes and roast some in the oven too for that added little extra as a roasted vegetable meal is so warming. Stir fries in a wok are quick and easy for those of you who are on the run and just as quick as microwave meals, minus the calories

Try to stay away from pasta, potatoes and bread, rice eat sparingly too as it is a starch. Swap your white rice for brown and soon you will have forgotten all the high calorie, stodgy food from your past. Drink coffee and tea minus sugar and change to love fat milk if you have to have it. If a sweetener is a must, try to buy a natural one with almost zero calories.

Eat only when you are really feeling hungry, don't just eat because it is time to. If you are not single and eating together is regular for you at meal times, make sure you are not eating a snack just before dinner or lunchtime and enjoy your meal together. Eat slowly, appreciate your food and as a result, digestion will be so much easier

Emotions can bring on food cravings, as we are all too aware. When one of these hit, grab the carrot sticks or if you must have something sweeter, an apple will do. An amazing little indulgence after dinner on the odd occasion, is baked apple filled with raisins and a teaspoon of honey. You are allowed to treat yourself from time to time within reason with something healthy. Keep fresh fruit in the house. Drinking fruit juice is rather a no no as the calories can be high and eating a whole piece of fruit is much more filling!

Walk every hour at least, even if it is just round your home or to the bathroom at work, move and you will remain limber and happy.

As much as some may not want to hear it, housework burns calories too. Spring clean one part of the house per week, great way to maintain cleanliness and burn fat too!

We are right behind you, spurring you on, there is no time like the present to begin your new routine!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Willpower Is Everything!

Before you give into temptation, ask yourself why you really need to eat what you know will break your diet.

Do you actually feel as though you need to eat, do you feel hungry or are you just giving into your craving? Is it genuine hunger or just the thought of having something sweet which is drawing you in to forget about your new healthy found lifestyle for a moment? Are you obsessed with a sweet craving or is it just a case of wanting to feel good from an instant sugar rush?

Take your mind off emotional eating and pamper yourself in other ways. When was the last time you had a relaxing spa, be it at home or at a salon. Beauty comes from within. Treat your inner self with respect regarding your diet and add to your outer value by pampering your skin, hair and nails. Feeling sensational will be a natural progression.

Twenty minutes is how long you should spend on one meal, this is the average time it takes for your brain to believe that you are full. Eat slowly, allow yourself to savour your food and enjoy. This way you will not only feel more satisfied, you will also benefit from digesting your food more easily after every meal.

Think about how your meal tastes, smells, feel as in texture and looks. Colour is always a great part of food, make your plate look attractive. Create a peaceful environment when eating and try to eat at a table and not on the couch and you will soon see and feel a difference in just how much you appreciate your meals in the future.

Listen to your body always. Think about stopping eating just as much as starting to eat. Feeling satisfied after a meal is good, full is bordering on eating too much, thus sometimes it is good to slow your meal down even more once you are half way. Cut down the size of your meals to realistic proportions and eat healthy

Remember, willpower wins when you think positively!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Change Your Frame Of Mind And Lose Weight Now!

Stop procrastinating and making excuses why not to lose weight now. It is within you to do it and the rewards of feeling healthy will outweigh any craving or reason you never tried in the past!

Common excuses may be that you do not have time to exercise, even if it just a quick walk and definitely no time for the gym.

We can invent many reasons to avoid exercising and just as good ones to eat more. However, if you are going to keep on with the excuses, the only person you are depriving is yourself. This way of life will not lead to some magic weight loss, it will only increase your weight and lead to health issues in later life, if not already.

Why not alter your mindset and begin dreaming about how good it will feel to be lighter, more energetic and turn heads with your new found look.

Never say to yourself that you deserve another helping of food as you at least left the house for the day or walked to the corner store during your lunch hour. That's not true exercise. Real exercise is to exert oneself to a certain extent even if it means just brisk walking for at least 20 minutes at a time. You need to feel as though your muscles are tingling, then you know you have succeeded in your first steps towards a healthy new you!

Make a list of reasons why you want to lose weight now so much. Set goals, become driven and apply to every aspect of your life. Losing weight permanently always pays off, it has a lifetime of benefits which you will see the further you progress with your new lifestyle.

Don't give up when it feels to hard at first or make excuses as to why you cannot carry on. Rather think of great, healthy recipes to cook up or if you aren't a whizz in the kitchen, look for ready-made, low calorie meals. Feeling hungry at times, by all means have a snack at hand like an apple. And one of the easiest Winter warmer recipes is vegetable soup, Minestrone being the easiest and healthiest.

Build up your exercise routine and meal planner. Live, be happy and remember to begin each day with a positive attitude to lose weight and keep it off. Smile to yourself knowing that underneath it all is a new you who is slowly emerging.

Tell yourself that you are healthy, happy, beautiful. Think of yourself as thinner, positive, glowing and it will show! Your mind is what controls your body and if you can change your way of thinking, all the rest will fall into place too. Believe in yourself, smile, shine and soon everyone will be aware of the change in you too.

What more motivation could you want! Write down your thoughts daily if need be, repeat all your positive thinking more than once a day and we are sure you will be glowing with health and happiness sooner than expected!

You can Lose Weight Now! And we are here to help you lose weight now