Thursday, November 17, 2011

Skinny Fiber tablets a natural way to lose weight during Winter

For many Winter is on it's way and Summer didn't quite work out diet wise. Now is the time for us to show you a natural way to lose weight, before you get caught up in Winter and comfort eating during cold nights!

Walking to work if possible in the depths of Winter helps burn calories as one trudges through the snow or sleet. It is all important to maintain a good workout routine especially in Autumn/Winter when it is all too easy to fall into a sedentary routine. Sitting on the couch once home at the end of the day and not moving will have health repercussions eventually. I speak from experience.

Eat healthy during Winter too. I began taking Skinny Fiber tablets a few months ago and have not looked back. The health benefits are exceptional and not only have they stabilized my metabolism, they have also given me added energy. They provide Antioxidant Support and aid digestion.

I was recommended them by a friend who sang the praised of 'Skinny Fiber tablets'. Having looked into the product and the fact that they contain the well known Brazilian Chá de Bugre which is a natural appetite suppressant, I gave it a try.

I take two tablets half an hour before my meals twice a day and swallow them down with two pints of water. Drinking water at the beginning of the day too is a great way to get going for the rest of it. You will feel more hydrated, even in Winter. Your body is made of of mainly water and if your intake is too low, your metabolism will slow down too.

Begin your new exercise and eating routine by walking at least for 30 minutes a day if you have been leading a life minus exercise. I worked up from this to walking an hour a day, sometimes more depending on time allowing. A great idea if you live in a city, is to explore a part of it which holds aesthetic appeal and walk for at least two hours. You will soon see and feel the difference.

Physical activity is paramount when trying to lose weight and it should be combined with a healthy diet as this is a natural way to lose weight. Always carry a small bottle of water with you, preferably half a litre. Hydration is fundamental at all times and it also helps to keep your bowels healthy.

If you have a basket ball court near you, that's a great way to exercise in Winter too as you will be able to shoot hoops and run around until it gets too cold and it ices over.

If you prefer to exercise indoors and at home, use an exercise bike when watching television instead of plopping down on the couch. You will be surprised by how quickly time passes cycling on it when watching a favourite movie or series!

Between cutting down your calorie intake with food, exercising and using Skinny Fiber tablets, you now have a natural way to lose weight and feel good in no time at all!

P.S: if you want to have a look at the product i am talking about just click this: Skinny Fiber tablets

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